Sunday, April 27, 2014

It Doesn't Matter Where we Serve, its How we Serve!

HEYYYYYYYYYYY! Oh wow time is just flyingggggggggg!!! So much to do!!!  This week has been good! And yesterday was awesome! We had a conference but it was directed towards Ecuador through satelite. Elder Nash, a Sister, Elder Holland, y Elder Scott spoke! It was awesome!!! Felt the spirit so strong! Wow, really doesn't matter where we are or what languange. This gospel is true! So something that I liked and I'm going to try to say it in english. It isn't where we serve its how we serve. Obviously there's inspiration in where we are called to serve but for those waiting for a call or will some day or those that have already recieived a misison call I think its important to know that the HOW we serve is much more important than WHERE we serve! Someone can be called to a misison with lots of people receptive to the gospel but if they dont work, then what! How do we serve? And this applies to more than just missions. Primary teacher, Bishop, Stake presidency, or whatever calling it may be.  It's all about HOW we serve! Whether at Chaparral High or TVHS or Great Oak or Margarita Middle School or Vintage Hills or whatever school it may be. It's about HOW you help others, HOW you give an example, HOW you speak to others, etc... Whether that Job or another Job its not so much about where! Its about HOW! So lets all remember whether as full time missionaries, as teamates, schoolmates, siblings, cousins, friends, or just sons and daughters of God... the importance of HOW. And lets make that HOW be joyful, happy, inspiring, full of smiles, optimistic, and pleasing before God. I promise that if we strive to do whats right we will be blessed! I love you all so much! Take care! 

Elder Jacobsen 


Does anyone know what Patacones are? They are tasty!!! I hope that i can eat some patacones in the States! Well, hows everyone doing! I miss and love you all! Well, lots of work to do here in Ecuador! I hope that you can all pray for Dolores y Alfredo so that they can get married! They have 3 kids! Kelly (their daughter) already was baptized. But I want the parents to also be baptized! 
Well, I want to talk a tiny bit about the importance of giving a good example. I realize that giving a good example is really important and sometimes we might not even recognize that we are giving examples all the time. But is the example were giving bad, so so, good, better, or best? Or maybe we're doing something that's not bad but not a good example. I realize that we as missionaries have to be careful about that! I can look back at things I've done and then after I'm something like ¿WHY? I need to give a better example! And the best example! I'm a misionary! But not just missionaries! We should all always try to give the best example I know were not perfect! We all mess up! But we need to learn and think of how we can give a better example and really help others have an example of the right. I might sound like im going in circles. But i just want you and me to be better examples! And be the best example that we can be! Whether in school, work, sports, family, in public, or whatever it may be! Just remember how important your example is! As our savior gives us a perfect example he wants us to do our best to give good examples as well. Lets ponder on what we need to change, improve on, or even apologize for and stand as righteous examples. 

Elder Jacobsen 

General Conference

Well, it has been a good week. I love General Conference. I'm going to be very simple this week and just say. READ, LISTEN, WATCH or whatever you can do to review the General Conference! Inspired Messages from God! I love you all so much! Hope everyone is doing fantastic! The church is true! God loves all of us! And we all need to be the best we can be and improve and be happy! This life is like a great journey but we need make every moment count and always make sure and do what´s neccessary to be on the right path! Take care! 
Elder Jacobsen 

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Thankful for This Opportunity to Serve

I dont know if your going to believe this but my companion had a change and I now have a new companion! haha. What to say. Well Elder Silva was a GREAT companion and I know he will do a great job in his mission. I believe he is now a Zone Leader so I'm excited for him. My new companion is Elder Sanchez de PerĂº. He seems like a nice Elder and it will be fun to get to know him and work with him. We have a lot of work to do. Well keep in your prayers Diana, Steven, Jarot, Jorsh, Eddy, Alejandro, Jeyaneira, y todos los demas. I'm happy to have this opportunity to serve and hope I can give all that I can to the Lord. I love you all! 
Elder Jacobsen 

A Good Week

Aloooooooohaaaaaa!!! Haha. Well this week was sweet! Yesterday we participated in a Devotional Musical Misional. It was something fun and different than the usual. In our zone there are 2 sisters from from Hawaii (one se llama hermana Te`o and I think her brother plays the San Diego Chargers. Sweet! Check that out to see if its legit). and an Elder from Samoa, and gringos y Latinos. So different cultures. It's a fun zone! Anyway! Lifes good! I love the mision! I love getting to know people and being able to carry and share the gospel. Its great! Well I love you all so much! I hope you know that! And I hope that those of you that have the Gospel appreciate it and SHARE IT WITH EVERYONE! Every time you walk into the door of a friend's house that's not a member or at school just remember that you have precious knowledge that can CHANGE LIVES AND FAMILIES! Are you kidding me! so SHARE IT! Dont be selfish!!!! Share it share it share it! And if you're reading or hearing this and are not a member or don't know much obout the Gospel of Jesus Christ, READ AND LISTEN! I PROMISE YOU WITH ALL MY HEART THAT YOU WON'T REGRET IT! We're talking about happiness, hope, knowledge, salvation, eternal families and marriages! Be happy! Choose the Good Shepherd always! Trust me, he knows where the sweeter grass is at! And even if there's what seems to be good grass away from the Good shepherd, be careful because that snake might be right there and ready to bite! Lets be careful and enjoy the sweet and joy filled grass that the gospel has to offer us! 
Elder Jacobsen 

The pic is of some members, some of the missionaries and the little girl I had the opportunity to baptize the last Saturday! wahoo!!!! (and the little boy is her younger brother). The devotional was packed! A great turn out! Well, please keep in your prayers Jarot, Jorsh, Angelo, Eddy, Alejandro, Leonardo, Leonardo, Jose David, Diana, Steven, and everyone else! Thanks!  file://localhost/Users/cathy/Desktop/DSC00003.JPG