Contact Info

 Contacting Brad
If you would like to contact Brad you have multiple options:
1. Send him a physical letter (address's listed below)
2.Pouch Mail (next tab)
3.Use email (Family)

 email Address
ONLY family and church leaders can email Brad while on his mission. He is limited to once a week for a very short period of time. This is during the weeks he has access to a computer. 

PERU MTC Mailing Address
Elder Brad Donaldson Jacobsen

Peru MTC

Centro de Capacitacion Missional
Melgarejo 159 La Molina 
Lima 12

Note: Do not send packages to the Peru MTC.  Only use the Peru MTC mailing address up until June 13, 2012.  After this date begin sending all mail and packages directly to his mission mailing addresses listed below.

Guayaquil Mission Office (mail)
Elder Brad Donaldson Jacobsen
Ecuador Guayaquil North Mission 
Casilla de Correo 16160

Guayaquil Mission Office (Packages)
Elder Brad Donaldson Jacobsen

Ecuador Guayaquil North Mission 
Cdla. Kennedy Vieja, Calle G, N 601
y La 8va. Oeste, Edif. Mallorca 3er Piso
Guayaquil, Guayas

Phone: 593 4-228-4323
*Questions? Feel free to call Brad's Parents @ (951)695-2647 / They'd love to give advice & help! 
*ALSO, SEE NEXT TAB FOR POUCH MAIL OPTION (Safe way to send mail) 

1 comment:

  1. Hello! I just got called to this mission and I've felt like I haven't met anyone who is going here! I'll be coming July 31st to the MTC!
